What should I do if I'm having trouble logging in or experiencing technical issues?
Answered By: Conrad Pegues Last Updated: Feb 15, 2022 Views: 221
Answered By: Conrad Pegues
Last Updated: Feb 15, 2022 Views: 221
You will need to login to view our online library resources, both on and off campus. Use your UTM Portal username and password, the same thing you use for Canvas, email, and Banner. If the troubleshooting tips below don't work, contact the UTM Help Desk at (731) 881-7900. The Help Desk is located in Crisp Hall.
- Clear your cookies, cache, and or/history
- Usually you can get to your history in the top-right corner of your browser. Look for three dots or three lines.
- Try a different browser
- Restart or update your laptop
- Try a different computer
- Make sure you have reached the full text of the article
- Look for "get access", "download PDF", "PDF full text", "view record", or something similar. (Image 1 and 2)
- On mobile, there is a small left facing arrow in the top left corner of your screen. Click the arrow to see these "get access" or "PDF full text" options (Image 3)
- You may also be asked to continue or accept the terms and conditions
- If you are receiving an error message when you search via PML Search (search box on library homepage), you may be able to find the article by going directly into the database where it came from.
- Click the title of the article
- Scroll down to the bottom and look for Database, note the name of the database (Image 4)
- Copy the title
- Open a new window and go to the library homepage
- Click the yellow Databases button
- Scroll to or search for the database title and click on that database
- Paste the title of the article
Image 1 (Get Full Text):
Image 2 (Get Full Text):
Image 3 (Mobile):
Image 4 (Locate the Database Where an Article is Found):
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